Face & Neck Treatments - Therma Lift & Ultra Lift

Ultra sound therapy (UltraLift) - Low frequency sound waves relax facial muscles responsible for making expressions. These results are instant but also temporary. This treatment is great a few days before an event for a smooth refreshed appearance. These results generally last 3-5 days. ThermaLift - (Radio Frequency) Energy waves and heat are used to stimulate the production of collagen resulting in tighter skin. Results vary and may require multiple sessions based on desired results.

Face Lift & Tight (40 mins)

When you come in for our Face Lift & Tight we will discuss your goals. This treatment is customized to your individual needs using various time combinations of Radio Frequency and Ultrasound Therapy. It can also be that you just need one sinlge modality for the entire treatment time. (10-12 treatments are recommended. Maintenance will be every 3-4 weeks thereafter.) PLEASE NOTE a medical history form is required for this service prior to confirming the appointment.

Neck Treatment (40 mins)

BYE BYE turkey neck. Tighten up that unwanted sagging skin. This treatment is adjusted for each individual client according to what you need with each modality. This can include the use of multiple modalities in one 40 minute session or just one single modality. (Modalities include: Liposculpt & ThermaLift) PLEASE NOTE a medical history form is required for this service prior to confirming the appointment.

Face Lift & Tight (40 mins)
Neck Treatment (40 mins)